Friday, November 18, 2005

It's satire, you jerks.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (for Sociopaths):

You Can’t Remove Every Body.

Often we find ourselves worrying about things like how to dispose of removed skin, for instance.
“It’s the largest organ on the body. I have to start hiding it now!”
“It’ll never fit in these barrels.”
“I don’t think that’s enough acid.”
But while we’re fretting about it, we lose track of the joy of skinning other human beings who have been mildly sedated, just enough to keep them still. What’s the point of living outside the law if you can’t learn to stop worrying and love the bodies, so to speak? (That was rhetorical, mommy.)

People Are People Too

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized that the people we systematically target then torture, murder, and (sometimes) eat are a lot like us. They need to feed, and not just their own excretions. They need water. They need to breathe.
(I found that one out the hard way a few times. Sorry, the deByrke triplets! --well the deByrke ‘unilet’ now I guess.)
And you know what else? They need people. Just like us. Though they don’t want to defecate on you (yet!), they need to relate to you in some manner. If you spend all your time projecting your unresolved feelings about dead pets onto them, you’ll miss the best part of sociopathic rituals…I can’t finish this sentence. It’s spying on me.

Put The “Mur” Back in “Murder”

I’m sorry. I blacked out for a few hours. When I came to, this was on the page. It looks good on paper though, doesn’t it?

If Other People Can’t See It…
…God hates them.

Lots of us have secret holographic messages beamed in from the CIA or anthropomorphic furniture items telling us that G-d wants this guy maimed or that guy made an example of or so-and-so the President of the Untied States assassinated. Just because others don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Don’t take their calls for you to seek help too personally. These are simple people who don’t understand the important work you are about to embark on. And I quote from Seven, “Look in the box.”

To Make An Omelet, You Must Pee On Me
